Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm thankful for Bob. Bob worked hard so that men could take a rest.

I'm thankful for Jack. Jack turned an idea into a weekend.

I'm thankful for Bill. Bill makes time for me every month to ask me tough questions.

I'm thankful for Benard. Benard has given his life for the least of the least of the brethren, and invites others to join him.

I'm thankful for Jim and Linda. They enable an army of others to teach and love children.

I'm thankful for a couple of Susans. One of them volunteers so hard it hurts. The other adds creativity on a daily basis.

I'm thankful for Christina. Christina helps others think I'm organized.

I'm thankful for Bruce and Jon and Bob and Jill and Gregg. They do stuff that only gets noticed if it's not getting done ... stuff that rarely gets noticed, by the way.

I'm thankful for Ryan. Ryan writes encouraging emails several times a week.

I'm thankful for Nancy and John. They made a meal appear out of thin air.

I'm thankful for Doris. Doris is a shepherdess for several nations.

I'm thankful for Cliff and his cohorts. They flexed without breaking for who we will be three years from now.

I'm thankful for Dan. Dan keeps leadership fun. And serious.

I'm thankful for Lynne. Lynne traded sleep for removing ink stains from Kenyan shirts.

I'm thankful for the body. They received a friend of mine as a friend of theirs.

And that's just in the last week.

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