Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Vote As If

I believe very strongly that this year's election is for more about the future direction of the American church than which set of professional politicians command the White House and Congress for the next term. To be sure, this election will have long-term consequences for our nation no matter who is elected, and I feel rather sorry for whoever it will be, because they will inherit a bitter mess. But as I study Scripture, there is a constant message that God is in total control of the fate of leaders and nations, and that it is the constant job of His people to especially put their trust in Him during these times. Now is the time to trust God particularly, rather than to fret or to put nationalism higher than God until November 8.

I think of books like Isaiah, which we are currently studying, and Daniel, which we studied earlier this year. In both cases, God's people were subject to leaders far worse than any we currently have on the ballot. Yet, these leaders were put in place by God on purpose because He was doing something greater than merely putting in place the best "church-going politician" for a term.

Likewise, I believe God has allowed us to come to this point, to this choice, for a purpose that is more about the Church than for what goes on inside the Beltway. Perhaps He did so in order to correct something wrong with the Church. We may speculate that He's punishing our nation for something, but what if He's shaking up the Church instead?

If I'm right in this theory, God is (as He has so often done in the past) moving national events in order to position the future of His people, for blessing or for discipline (and more likely, for both). I'm not saying that Isaiah and Daniel are prophecies about 21st Century United States. Rather, I don't believe God stopped moving leaders and nations in order to accomplish His goals for His people, so His ways revealed then still help us navigate events now.

In those cases, God persistently commanded His people to trust Him, to not trust in the flesh or in leaders or in armies, and to not fear, even if the situation got much, much worse. He has a plan that He's carrying out according to His sovereign will, so above all, remain faithful. Don't give into fear, sin, or pragmatism. Worry about faithfulness above all and then trust God to accomplish His plan.

This election cycle has exposed some very unhealthy relationships between the Church and the State, such as a misplaced reliance on government to be the lord and savior of our nation on the one hand, and a misguided demonization of all those within the government on the other. It has exposed an ugly underbelly of the  "ungracious religious" who discard Christlike behavior in order to promote their politics (which Left or Right, they claim is God's favorite brand of politics). It has also exposed how many in the Church choose which of a candidate's sins to highlight and which ones to ignore based only on their party preference. Great hypocrisies of the Church have been laid bare, and I, for one, am glad the disease has finally been brought to light. Only then can the Church be healed of it.

We have too long embraced Constantinianism, which seeks to force the affairs of the State by the power of the Church (which is not the same thing as redemptive influence). We have also bought into an unhealthy dualism that separates the sacred from the secular, allowing us to discard one in order to concentrate on the other, and then on the next day, switch. Oddly, these twin problems seem contradictory (too much integration vs. not enough integration), but they are actually the same failing to understand what a healthy integration looks like.

But books like Isaiah and Daniel insist that we trust God even more fervently during days such as these, because God is in total control. If that's actually true, then there is no need to compromise, cut corners, fudge, or be confused about how we should hold both the Church and the State in our hands.

So vote "as if." Vote (or not vote) as if we actually do trust that God is in total control. That doesn't mean to vote for whoever is the "most Christian" (good luck figuring that one out). It doesn't mean to vote for whoever is from the "correct party" (God isn't a card-carrying member of any of them). Nor does it mean to throw up your hands and say, "whatever - God will sort it out."

Rather, it means to carefully consider your vote as if God is in fact in total control. Like Isaiah and Daniel, trusting His complete sovereignty allows you to stand before Jesus and say, "I didn't have to compromise Your values in order to be 'pragmatic'." Don't vote your conscience - vote His, as best you can. Of course every vote will be for someone who is not Jesus, someone who is broken, fallen, imperfect, sinful, and holding some policies that are abhorrent to Him. Of course! But He's got this - He's the One who put Nebuchadnezzar in power over the Israelites! We don't have the luxury of a clearly moral and wise candidate this time around (or almost every other time around, to be honest). There's no need to pretend that we do.

God has given us this situation on purpose, and He expects His children to honor Him with how they trust Him in the midst of it. Vote as if God is always intentional in everything, including allowing our nation to come to this point, perhaps even for the purpose of correcting the Church. Vote (or not vote) so that you can tell Jesus you didn't compromise, even though there were no options except disappointing ones. He's not only faced this situation before, He's manufactured them before.

And please, back off of those who vote for the same reasons for a different candidate. This is no easy choice, and God is still sovereign. Lastly, don't be fatigued by all this - rather, seize the opportunity God has given us to trust Him in the midst of political disarray. If we can't trust Him now, we can't trust Him ever.


  1. Well said. Although I don't agree that God brought us to this point- especially to "teach us something"- we are severely affected by other people's choices because God LOVES free will, I am in complete and utter agreement that we need to throw ourselves wholeheartedly into trusting the Father for the outcome. He is still Sovereign.

    1. Good thoughts. To be fair, I didn't say "to teach us something" and quite on purpose. But to correct us, I still find that very plausible and consistent with history.

      Thanks for contributing to the dialog.

  2. Very well said Colby. Ofcourse I believe every election people should trust in God for that decision. It seems funny to me that people forget in the scriptures it says that people asked for a ruler. They didn't want God to goveren over them anymore. So God gave them what they asked for. Same situation know. Bo matter what happens the people asked for it. If only they will believe that God will intervene or how many have already wished that they didn't have an earthly ruler. Im convinced that we must keep our faith in the Lird and that He will intervene and does have a plan.

  3. I agree with your thought that God is sovereignly moving events in order to position his family for blessing or discipline. It would be difficult not to with so many clear examples of this shown in the bible (Rom 8:28, Psalm 115:3). This is such a comfort to know during these times.

    I also feel that while we need to put our trust in God's plan no matter what the outcome, it is also responsible to carefully weigh matters and work toward that outcome. It would be folly to not vote and just trust God. Nehemiah is a good example of how we should act. His country had was in disarray and in response he both turned to God for direction AND rebuilt the wall. He was just as much in the weeds sourcing materials and directing construction as he was trusting God. I think we can and should in the same as way Nehemiah, trust God and act upon that trust.

    Now, between the 2 main candidates I've chosen the one I feel has the most honest intentions to better this country. And, I'm going to vote on November 8th for this person. And, come November 9th I feel that our country is going to be just as crazy, no matter who gets in. It honestly stresses me out. I often catch myself doing a lot of speculation and war gaming and worrying. I've allowed this election to pull me into some dark, fearful angry places and I imagine this may still happen even after the vote. Here's the one thing that has pulled me out of this kind of thinking every time. Matt 22 "Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself" It’s knowing the importance of this that helps me put everything into perspective. This is what I’m to be doing in life whether my leader was Ronald Reagan, or Pol Potts.

    Love God and love people…
