Wednesday, April 29, 2015

It Matters ... It Really Matters

Last week, we looked at the word "work" and how our theology of work comes from Genesis 1 (Creation) rather than Genesis 3 (the Fall and subsequent sentence of our labor made difficult and painful). This is crucial! If we don't get this, we'll look at work as a curse instead of what it was destined to be: co-laboring with God in His Creation. That's a huge difference!

Many people feel unsatisfied in their work because they don't see how it matters in the big scheme. It doesn't help that some of us have been taught that the only work that really matters is that which directly relates to the functions of a local church or a mission agency. Not only does that idea deny God's charge to Adam's race in Genesis 1, it also leaves 99% of believers with the deflating message that what they do most of their waking hours doesn't really matter.

I could go on, but the following video from does a better job than I could. It is just a few minutes long.

Your work matters to God, and not just when you can intersect it with the particular work of a church organization. Remember, Christ followers are the church, and so however we co-labor with God is "church work," for both the temporal and the eternal.

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